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主讲题目:Constructivism or Essentialism: Deconstructing the Teaching of Diversity and Educational Justice in Teacher Education Programs in the United States



时间:2021年10月18日, 星期一晚上7:30-9:30



讲人简介:苏丽敏,2020年于爱荷华大学教育学院获哲学博士学位(Ph.D., The University of Iowa),先后于中国(西南财经大学)、美国高校(爱荷华大学;柯克伍德社区学院 Kirkwood Community College;夏威夷大学The University of Hawai’i at Manoa)担任教学工作。在中国、北美等地举办的国际会议(AERA, AESA, HES等)、论文集、杂志上用汉语、英语发表女子教育史、教育哲学、翻译研究等方面的文章十余篇。主研美国爱荷华州文化部科研基金项目一项(Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Research Grant for Authors,2019-2020),参与美国教育部“本科国际学研究及外语教育专项基金”项目一项(U.S. Department of Education Title VI Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language [UISFL] grant, 2017-2020)。获爱荷华大学研究生院Post-Comprehensive博士论文科研基金(2019-2020),爱荷华大学教育学院研究生科研奖(2019),美国教育政策与领导力研究国际学术年会青年学者奖(Young Scholar Award, 2016)等。

内容简介:Perspective determines perceptions. In teacher education courses that aim to provide students a basic understanding of how people arrive at their race, gender, sexuality, and social class categories, a theoretical perspective directly shapes the way pre-service teachers approach the nature of privilege and oppression, which, in turn, form the foundation of their future effort to promote educational justice. The lecture reexamines the strengths, weaknesses, implications and applications of two perspectives - Constructivism and Essentialism - that have been widely employed in the teaching of diversity and equity in teacher educational programs in the United States. My argument is that while constructivism reveals the social process, institutional and cultural construct of the privileged and the oppressed, it still falls into the binary spectrum of "us v.s. the other" that separates students of different social, racial, sexual, economic and cultural backgrounds who don’t stand on the same ground in terms of social equity definition. Throughout the lecture, I will draw on examples from textbooks used in teacher education programs in the U.S., as well as social media and news reports that sit on the side of either constructivism or essentialism in the narration of educational diversity and equity.




版权所有 海南师范大学人文社会科学院 地址:海南省海口市桂林洋高校区 邮编:571127 电话:0898-65896657